Picture of 2MILab_SEM-EDS Apreo 2s
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Apreo 2s LoVac scanning electron microscope (SEM) with field emission gun (FEG) source, in chamber secondary electron and backscatter detectors and Trinity in-column detectors for use with Optiplan and immersion modes for high resolution imaging. Ultradry 60 mm2 EDS detector from Thermo Fisher Scientific enabling integrated EDS mapping (ChemiSEM) within the SEM software.

Separate Pathfinder software for quantitative EDS analyses.

CleanConnect for transfer of air-sensitive samples from glove-box.

Lovac option for improved stability in analysis of insulating or semi-conducting materials.

High resolution imaging of uncoated insulating samples is possible via very low acceleration voltage and current in high vacuum.

In-built plasma cleaner for surface and chamber cleaning.

More information from supplier.

Tool name:
2MILab_SEM-EDS Apreo 2s
[Not defined]
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apreo 2s SEM / Ultradry 60mm2 EDS


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